Jean Jacques HERBULOT

He was born in the Ardennes in France, in Belval in 1909. He was recognized as a Naval Architect by the French government, but the „design“ of the boats was for him a real so much fun that he managed to get a record designing more than a hundred, from the Vaurien of only 4.08 meters to the „KETCH BEAUFORT“ of 14m, „16m“ and 18m. His most important creations were the Caravelle, the Corsaire, the Cotre des Glenans, the Maraudeur, and the Vaurien. Herbulot was considered the Naval Architect who allowed the democratization of sailing in France and other European countries, designing, since the ’50s, marine plywood boats easy to produce and to conduct, affordable and suitable for schools of sailing. But Jean Jacques HERBULOT was also a fantastic sportsman and skipper representing France in as many as four Olympics: Los Angeles (1932, Star Class), Kiel (1936, Star Class), Torquay (1948, Firefly Class), Melbourne (1956, 5 , 50 JI Class). Jean Jacques HERBULOT was also the pioneer of the development of asymmetric spinnakers that were later used during international Olympic events and in the 1957 America’s Cup.



Tous ces bateaux, tous ces petits frères que je retrouve aujourd’hui sur les plans d’eau, témoignent de la fécondité du crayon de Jean-Jacques Herbulot, de son sens de la mer et du vent, de son habileté à concevoir un bateau qui réponde parfaitement à un programme d’utilisation et de navigation.
Florence Herbulot